Monday, January 18, 2010

Energy Orbs

I have attended several lectures here regarding energy, have worked with energy in my Reiki and IET practise, and have done my own studies on it. Gregg Braden has several youtubeposts which are worthy of viewing as well. I understood the concepts but the connectedness of everything still confused me. I felt I needed something more solid or visual to fully grasp it.

Late last year we had a Chinese acupuncturist speaking at one of the lectures and he was speaking primarily of Feng Shui, an ancient art of placement and energy flow. He asked a volunteer to stand up and talked about how we all hold our own energy field around us but that it can be pierced or weakened. He then stood behind the volunteer, and had him hold up his arm and pressed down on it while he asked him to resist. The arm stayed steady. Then he took a simple picture frame and pointed a corner of it into the volunteers energy field, basically at his back, with him being unaware. He then had him hold his arm out again and asked him to resist as he applied pressure to it. The volunteer was unable to hold his arm up as it was explained, his energy was weakened. It resonated with me. I considered all the things we feel comfort in; colours and smells, how a certain room appears inviting, how some people have a glow or aura about them, certain locations such as the ocean shore or a mountain, each of these holds a vibration of energy that resonates with us and makes us feel at peace or we draw strength from it.

What I still couldnt wrap my head around was something we do in Reiki, IET, Theta Healing and other modalities, which is called distance healing, how energy can be sent to another area by intention. Then I met Sita and her son Narayan Jyoti. I was doing my 2nd course here and Sita is a devotee of the ashram, and has 2 sons that come to work here sporatically. They also have done intense studies in energy. One evening we were sitting at the bay having dinner and Sita brought her computer to show us some orbs she photographed around the ashram. I was mesmerized. At first I asked her if it could be a dirty lens, or water and any other explanation I could come up with but she just smiled and shook her head. She explained that this is a high energy area, and that Swami Vishnu, who founded this ashram, had a vision that this was a healing center in the days of Atlantis. He sensed there was a crystalline core to the island that pointed directly up to the location of the temple here and hence built the temple in its current location. I do know that if you leave the ashram for even an hour to go to town, and then return, you can feel the energy change upon your return. It is just that kind of place.

I became intrigued with these orbs and decided to see for myself if I could photograph them. I had taken several photographs around here prior but they never showed up in any photos. Sita suggested that I was ready to see them now and she felt confident I would find them. In the interim, I have been getting some other energetic work done by her son (Narayan Jyoti) and many people had commented to me how I am starting to radiate. I sense that I am starting to feel energy more readily. The next evening, I went out with my camera and started taking random photos around the ashram, in areas I sensed were high energy and came up with these photos. I will mention that I took successive photos and the orbs that show up in one photo are gone in the next, or only a couple remaining. They move fast. When I went online to do some research with it, some proclaim them to be angels, spirits or light beings. I dont think that anyone truly knows but the sense I got was they are attracted to an energetic place, whether they are here to be refueled or with like energies. I am sure at this point many of you are shaking your head saying that I need more protein in my diet but I wouldnt have believed this so readily if I hadnt gone out and photographed them. The eye, apparently, can be trained to see them, and young children have the ability to see auras and orbs etc but our society and environment train us to ignore them. The eye is secular but a digital camera is able to capture it all, hence them showing up in photos.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Its the New Year!!!! Welcome 2010...a time of change for so many of us.

It was such an experience being away from the bombardment of the holidays and only recognizing each other as being special through the holidays. There was a Christmas tree erected in the dining area which was lit up each night for about a week, and a symposium of guests offering lectures, music and dance for our education and entertainment.

Down the seashore it was a different experience....I talked to a man that had rented 10 rooms at the Atlantis for his family for 10 days....the rooms cost $350 a night (do the math, it is a downpayment on a small home) and they were all demanding, and high maintenance. He was running around trying to find things for them to do during the holidays, all at additional expense and yet there is this incredible ocean right here for everyone. I dont think I can ever understand that type of lifestyle.

Across the bay in Nassau was another story...they all put together homemade costumes using alot of creativity and march through the streets all night after Christmas dinner celebrating what they call Junkanoo with music and dance. There is a costume judging done throughout the parade but what really amazed me was the spirit. The goat skin drums, the cow bells and whistles vibrated out a sound that penetrated through the core of you. There were children smiling, dancing and alive with the spirit although the physical demand of dancing the streets all night after a full day of Christmas activities would be taxing on the strongest of character and physic. It was such a high energy and community based delight to see.

I am eager to start my next course here...January 7th. Following that I will be doing what is called a yoga vacation, whereby I do the morning meditation, then 2 hour yoga class and have the day free to explore. I return back here for another yoga class at 4pm and then dinner and whatever I choose for the evening. It was an adjustment I had to make in order to use up my credit balance here...I am sure the relaxation will be wonderful for me. Everyone here is addicted to yoga, even the seagulls...I got a picture of one doing the tree pose on the deck the other day while waiting for the boat to go across to Nassau. Not much else to say this time, my head is a bit scrambled but have alot of different thoughts to express....I will at some point.
One Love, wishing you all the very best for the New Year and always.